Results for 'Carsten P. Krück'

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  1.  22
    Science in Politics: A Comparison of Climate Modelling Centres. [REVIEW]Carsten P. Krueck & Jutta Borchers - 1999 - Minerva 37 (2):105-123.
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    Prohibited substance regulation and compliance testing: A principalism approach.J. B. Laurens & P. A. Carstens - 2020 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 13 (2):114.
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    A complete system of four-valued logic.P. H. Rodenburg & Carsten Lutz - 2001 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 11 (3-4):367-392.
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    A Poisson random walk model of response times.Steven P. Blurton, Søren Kyllingsbæk, Carsten S. Nielsen & Claus Bundesen - 2020 - Psychological Review 127 (3):362-411.
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    Looking beyond Popper: how philosophy can be relevant to ecology.Tina Heger, Alkistis Elliott-Graves, Marie I. Kaiser, Katie H. Morrow, William Bausman, Gregory P. Dietl, Carsten F. Dormann, David J. Gibson, James Griesemer, Yuval Itescu, Kurt Jax, Andrew M. Latimer, Chunlong Liu, Jostein Starrfelt, Philip A. Stephens & Jonathan M. Jeschke - 2024 - Oikos.
    Current workflows in academic ecology rarely allow an engagement of ecologists with philosophers, or with contemporary philosophical work. We argue that this is a missed opportunity for enriching ecological reasoning and practice, because many questions in ecology overlap with philosophical questions and with current topics in contemporary philosophy of science. One obstacle to a closer connection and collaboration between the fields is the limited awareness of scientists, including ecologists, of current philosophical questions, developments and ideas. In this article, we aim (...)
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    Den uendelige parrhesi – teologiske eftertanker i anledning af en religionspædagogisk ph.d.-afhandling.Carsten Petersen Pallesen - 2014 - Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi 3 (2):87-114.
    The article examines the role of narrative discourse in religious education and communication as represented in Kirsten M. Andersen’s Kantian approach. In Hegel’s Lutheran perspective figurative thinking is deconstructed in forms of interpretive narrative, the topos of the speculative Good Friday. On this account the words of Jesus should be understood as an unprecedented revolutionary parrhesia. Hegel’s pervasive awareness of the linguistic mediation, translation and appropriation anticipates the role of language and communication in hermeneutics and deconstruction. The proposed alternative to (...)
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    Ceteris - Paribus Qualifiers.Carsten Held - 2017 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 48 (3):439-452.
    Antecedent-strengthening, a trivially valid inference of classical logic of the form: P → Q ⊨ → Q, has a counterpart in everyday reasoning that often fails. A plausible solution to the problem involves assuming an implicit ceteris paribus qualifier that can be explicated as an additional conjunct in the antecedent of the premise. The qualifier can be explicated as ‘everything else relevant remains unchanged’ or alternatively as ‘nothing interferes’. The qualifier appears most prominently in the context of the discussion of (...)
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    Herméneutique, esthétique, philosophie pratique. Dialogue avec Hans-Georg Gadamer Carsten Dutt traduit de l'allemand Par Donald Ipperciel saint-Laurent, éditions fides, 1998, 133 P. [REVIEW]Brigitte Mcguire - 2000 - Dialogue 39 (3):623-.
    Dans ces entretiens avec Gadamer, réalisés par Carsten Dutt, c’est la présence d’une intelligence accomplie qui retient l’attention du lecteur. Aussi peuvent-ils être une adéquate introduction à l’herméneutique gadamérienne, en ce qu’ils abordent respectivement les thèses centrales de Vérité et méthode dans le premier entretien, ensuite celles relatives à l’esthétique et à la philosophie pratique dans les second et troisième entretiens. Ce qui suscite cependant l’intérêt du lecteur plus avisé, c’est la précision avec laquelle Gadamer rectifie les plus classiques (...)
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    Handbuch der Religionsgeschichte Band 2, ed. J. P. Asmussen und Jörgen Laessöe mit Carsten Colpe, Verlag Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Göttingen 1972, XII, 536 pp, 91 Abb. u. 4 Kartenskizzen. [REVIEW]Hans-Joachim Schoeps - 1974 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 26 (1):75-76.
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    An austrian mélange • Eckehart köler, Peter weibel, Michael stöltzner, Bernd Buldt, Carsten Klein, and Werner depauli-schimanovich-göttig, eds. Kurt gödel. Wahrheit & beweisbarkeit. Band 1: Dokumente und historische analysen [Kurt gödel. Truth and provability. Vol. 1: Documents and historical analyses]. Vienna: Öbv et hpt, 2002. Isbn 3-209-03824-1. Pp. 279. • Bernd Buldt, Eckehart köhler, Michael stöltzner, Peter weibel, Carsten Klein, and Werner depauli-schimanovich-göttig, eds. Kurt gödel. Wahrheit & beweisbarkeit. Band 2: Kompendium zum werk [vol. 2: Compendium of work]. Vienna: Öbv et hpt, 2002. Isbn 3-209-03835-X. Pp. 447. [REVIEW]Hannes Leitgeb - 2007 - Philosophia Mathematica 15 (2):245-257.
    While the Gödel centenary year 2006 triggered a lot of conference and workshop activity on Gödel, the years leading to it stand out by exhibiting several excellent publications on Gödel's life and work, most notably the completion of the Kurt Gödel Collected Works series . The two volumes of Kurt Gödel. Wahrheit & Beweisbarkeit, written in German and edited by E. Köhler et al., constitute something like the ‘German-Austrian contribution’ to this renewal of interest in Gödel's legacy, even though not (...)
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  11. Body and Soul: Human Nature and the Crisis in Ethics.J. P. Moreland - 2000
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    Time and Cause: Essays Presented to Richard Taylor.P. van Inwagen (ed.) - 1980 - Reidel.
    Richard Taylor was born in Charlotte, Michigan on 5 November 1919. He received his A. B. from the University of illinois in 1941, his M. A. from Oberlin College in 1947, and his Ph. D. from Brown University in 1951. He has been William H. P. Faunce Professor of Philosophy at Brown University, Professor of Philosophy (Graduate Faculties) at Columbia University, and Professor of Philosophy at the University of Rochester. He is the author of about fifty articles and of five (...)
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    Natural Law: An Introduction and Re-Examination.Howard P. Kainz - unknown
    The Nuremberg Trials of leading National Socialists established the principle that individuals may be legally punished, even by death, for obeying the laws of their country. Is there then a higher law by which enacted valid positive laws may be judged, so that persons subject to such laws would be duty-bound to defy them? In recent years the theory of natural law has been revived by a number of philosophers and jurists, who however often disagree sharply among themselves about the (...)
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  14. Origins of Post-Modernity (Simon Bourke).P. Anderson - 2000 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 78 (1):134-134.
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  15. Research Analysis Report.P. P. Prabhudesai, Sanjay Jain, Aziz Keshvani & K. P. Kulkarni - forthcoming - Ethics.
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    Embryo Research: The Challenge for Public Policy.P. A. King - 1997 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 22 (5):441-455.
    Complete moral consensus on the status of the human embryo is neither feasible nor necessary for the formulation of ethically acceptable public policy for human embryo research. Significant consensus on permissible human embryo research can rest upon diverse but overlapping moral traditions. Thus, human embryo research policy should do more than reflect mere abstract assertions about the moral status of human embryos. Rather, the moral underpinnings of human embryo research should be derived from a range of values, including the facilitation (...)
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    Les étapes de la philosophie mathématique.P. Boutroux - 1913 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 21 (1):107 - 131.
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  18. Author’s Response: Does Understanding Deconstruction Require Its Deconstruction?P. Boytchev - 2015 - Constructivist Foundations 10 (3):367-369.
    Upshot: I describe my perception of deconstruction, including the controversial point of view that deconstruction is actually construction. I also provide more details about the some of the design decisions in the software, and how these affected the students’ experience.
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  19. Comprehsnive bioelectrographic analysis of mechanisms of the alternative state of consciousness.P. V. Bundzen, V. V. Zagrantsev, K. G. Korotkov, P. Leisner & L. -E. Unestahl - 2000 - Human Physiology 26 (5):558-566.
  20. List of Contents: Volume 17, Number 1, February 2004.P. Caban, M. Forys, J. Rembielinski, Lorentz-Covariant Canonical, Gennaro Auletta, Gino Tarozzi & Wavelike Correlations Versus Path - 2004 - Foundations of Physics 34 (4).
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  21. Letture di Sade (1969-1979).P. De Capua - 1986 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 41 (2):315-340.
  22. How to release Frege system from Russell's antinomy. Abstract presented as a contributed talk to the 2006 ASL Summer Meeting.P. Cattabriga - 2007 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 13 (2):269.
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    Address Delivered to the Closing Plenary Session.P. Caws - 1975 - Proceedings of the XVth World Congress of Philosophy 6:847-850.
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    Eduard study's realistic world-conception.P. C. - 1914 - The Monist 24 (2):309 - 315.
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  25. Working memory, inhibition and reading skill.P. Chiappe, L. S. Siegel & L. Hasher - 2002 - In Serge P. Shohov (ed.), Advances in Psychology Research. Nova Science Publishers. pp. 9--30.
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    Is monism arbitrary?P. C. - 1892 - The Monist 3 (1):124 - 127.
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    GW theory in the spotlight of evolution.P. E. Cisek - 1997 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 4 (4):310.
    The global workspace architecture is examined from an evolutionary perspective. It is argued that certain aspects of the theory are difficult to account for in terms of a sequence of evolutionary elaborations. These notably include distinct actors and audience members, and the lingua franca by which they communicate. An alternative metaphor of a ‘global arena’ is suggested, along with speculation on how this bottleneck of behavioural competition may have evolved toward a more sophisticated architecture, perhaps even a theatre . . (...)
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    Machiavelli's philanthropy.P. Coby - 1999 - History of Political Thought 20 (4):605-626.
    Machiavelli claims to be animated by a ‘natural desire’ to ‘bring common benefit to everyone’ . But what kind of benefit is it that subjects so many people to tyrannical rule and world empire? What has Machiavelli to offer those whose freedom and independence are sacrificed to the greater glory of imperial powers? After framing the indictment against Machiavelli - in effect, that the world is worse off for having been instructed by him - the paper turns to composing his (...)
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  29. Bob Carter, Realism and Racism: Concepts of Race in Sociological Research.P. Cole - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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  30. Lance Morrow, Evil: An Investigation.P. Cole - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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  31. On the Interpretation of Church's Thesis.P. Cotogno - 1992 - Epistemologia 15 (2):315-350.
    Church's Thesis states the equivalence of computable functions and recursive functions. This can be interpreted as a definition, as an explanation, as an axiom, and as a proposition of mechanistic philosophy. A number of arguments and objections, including a pair of counterexamples based on Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem, allow to conclude that Church's Thesis can be reasonably taken both as a definition and as an axiom, somewhat less convincingly as an explanation, but hardly as a mechanistic proposition.
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  32. Aristotle and the idea of competing forms of life.P. Crittenden - 1996 - Philosophical Inquiry 18 (1-2):88-100.
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  33. Computing applications for the engineering design of nuclear fuel cycle facilities.P. C. Cuchieratto, A. Braganga Jr, L. Salgado & R. Bretzel - 1991 - Ai 1991 Frontiers in Innovative Computing for the Nuclear Industry Topical Meeting, Jackson Lake, Wy, Sept. 15-18, 1991 1.
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  34. Mistitsizm kontsa deviatnadtsatago vieka v ego otnoshenīi k khristianskoĭ religīi i filosofīi.P. I︠A︡ Svetlov - 1897 - S.-Peterburg: Izd. I. L. Tuzova.
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  35. Technology as extension of human faculties.P. Brey - 2000 - In Carl Mitcham (ed.), Metaphysics, epistemology, and technology. New York: JAI. pp. 19.
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    Patterns of biomedical science production in a sub-Saharan research center.Selidji T. Agnandji, Valerie Tsassa, Cornelia Conzelmann, Carsten Köhler & Hans-Jörg Ehni - 2012 - BMC Medical Ethics 13 (1):3.
    Background: Research activities in sub-Saharan Africa may be limited to delegated tasks due to the strong control from Western collaborators, which could lead to scientific production of little value in terms of its impact on social and economic innovation in less developed areas. However, the current contexts of international biomedical research including the development of public-private partnerships and research institutions in Africa suggest that scientific activities are growing in sub-Saharan Africa. This study aims to describe the patterns of clinical research (...)
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    Ronsard et l'emploi de l'allégorie dans le Second Livre des Hymnes.P. J. Ford - 1981 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 43 (1):89-106.
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  38. Dialectic of identity and difference as philosophical basis of general system conception.P. Franz - 1978 - Filosoficky Casopis 26 (5):717-728.
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  39. Plato 3. The Dialogues. Second and Third Periods.P. Friedlander & H. Meyerhoff - 1969 - Philosophy 45 (173):251-252.
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    Mr. Huxley's Galton lecture.P. F. Fyson - 1936 - The Eugenics Review 28 (2):162.
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  41. Giuseppe Valletta.P. P. G. - 1971 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana:370.
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  42. La neuvaine de Saint Hubert: Une pensée sauvage.P. -P. Gossiaux - 1997 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 86:143-176.
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  43. Sot︠s︡ialʹnoe: istoki, strukturnye profili, sovremennye vyzovy.P. K. Grechko & E. M. Kurmelëva (eds.) - 2009 - Moskva: ROSSPĖN.
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    Grani chelovecheskogo bytii︠a︡.P. S. Gurevich - 2016 - Moskva: If Ran. Edited by Ė. M. Spirova.
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  45. Identichnostʹ kak sot︠s︡ialʹnyĭ i antropologicheskiĭ fenomen.P. S. Gurevich - 2015 - Moskva: Kanon+.
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  46. Appendix 3: Hannah Arendt and the Banality of Evil.P. M. S. Hacker - 2020 - In The moral powers: a study of human nature. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 398–406.
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  47. Wittgenstein's Tractatus logico-philosophicus.P. M. S. Hacker - 1988 - In Roy Harris (ed.), Linguistic Thought in England, 1914-1945. New York: Routledge Kegan & Paul.
  48. Protophysik Eine Einführung in Protophysik heute.P. Hanich & H. Tetens - 1985 - Philosophia Naturalis 22 (1).
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  49. Forward Induction and Communication'.P. Hawley - unknown
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    The Individual in Radical Constructivism. Some Critical Remarks from an Evolutionary Perspective.P. Hejl - 2011 - Constructivist Foundations 6 (2):227-234.
    Context: Ernst von Glasersfeld’s radical constructivism (RC) develops two positions that are, for the founder of RC, necessarily linked: (1) all accessible realities are perceived realities, (2) perceived realities are “constructed” by “individuals.” Purpose: Von Glasersfeld refers quite often to the theory of evolution. Despite this frequent referring, he uses an evolutionary approach primarily when discussing the viability of constructs. Furthermore, although this use of evolutionary thinking is already restricted, it plays an even smaller part in the reception of RC. (...)
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